The Five Worst Characters From LOST

I really liked the first 3 seasons of Lost.  After that, (and the writer's strike) it kind of became a mess filled with plot holes and unanswered questions.  The show kept presenting new characters, even as it was killing off existing ones who still had unfulfilled stories.

Like many, even 18 months later, I still think about the show quite a bit.  I can't help but wonder what could have been, especially as I'm watching Breaking Bad launch itself into the discussion of "greatest show ever?"  Lost was the show that at one point made me feel that way.  Its mystery and character development were its strengths, but every now and then they totally whiffed on a character.

This happened a little more in the last two seasons, as the writers and producers scrambled to introduce new plot lines and characters.  But in some cases, characters just sucked from the get-go.  For this post, I'm focusing on characters who had a role of some significance (20 episodes or more on the show). Sorry, Nikki and Paulo.

Here are the five worst characters from Lost.

5. Mr. Eko

Played By: Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

Photo courtesy of
This character could have been really, really badass.  Physically imposing, silent for weeks, and constantly struggling to put a life of crime behind him and focus on a quest for redemption, Mr. Eko was a character unlike any other.  Instead, his entire existence on the show turned out to mean nothing.  Like, to the point that if you went back and edited out every scene he was ever in, it wouldn't change your ability to understand what happens.  For someone who was a major presence for a season and a half, he sure wasn't very important.

Mr. Eko could have added a lot to the final seasons, given his propensity toward spirituality and his history of brutality.  I thought his back story was good, if a little unoriginal.  I think he could have done a little more ass-kicking on the show, and that they could have written in some moments where he would truly struggle with his faith.  Maybe if Akinnuoye-Agbaje would have wanted to remain on the show (he asked to be written out during Season 3) they could have explored those things.

Ultimately, Mr. Eko's inclusion on this list isn't due to any fault of Akinnuoye-Agbaje.  He just wasn't given enough significance by (show creators) Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.  Had he stuck around for another couple of years and thrashed ass with his scripture stick, he might have ended up as the best Lost character ever.  Even if his beard was worse than Keanu Reeves'.

4. Michael Dawson

Played By: Harold Perrineau

Michael does plenty of annoying shit during his 48 episodes on the show.  In his pre-island life he became a shiftless starving artist after his baby-mama left him for a job overseas and a new man.  He ended up further depressed after getting hit by a car and surviving.

Michael's most memorable example of being insufferable occurs during the aftermath of his son Walt's (who almost made this list himself) kidnapping at the end of Season 1.  I'll let this video explain:

Pretty damned bad, huh?  Then he goes on to kill Hurley's lady-friend, Libby, which was not cool because Hurley was the most likable character on the show.  He didn't deserve that.

Then, once you thought Michael's stupid ass was gone from the show, boom!  He's back in Season 4, causing more shit on the freighter off the coast of the island.  Your death didn't come soon enough, Mike.

3. Kate Austen

Played By: Evangeline Lilly

Photo courtesy of
Look, I know a lot of people were big Kate fans.  I understand the role of the heroine/strong female lead.  And I know a lot of people think she's super-sexy, and while I disagree, I understand that, too.  But no main character fucked up as much stuff as Kate during the course of this show.

My biggest bitch about Kate is that she created incessant turmoil with Jack and Sawyer with her hot-and-cold routines with both of them.  Lost dragged this shit out for most of 6 years.  What's worse is all the Youtube video tributes to Kate and Jack, and all the blogs that spouted lovey-dovey horseshit about her involvement with the doc and the bad boy.  People spent more time giving a shit about a relationship between a fictional arsonist/murderer and a drug-addled surgeon than they did about their own lives.

The other thing that bothered me was how macho Kate always acted.  I think that's the reason I don't find her attractive.  She had to stick her nose in everything everyone was doing, and any time there was a dangerous mission to be embarked upon, she was all "I'm going with you."  Inexplicably, she became a master at tracking people after about a month on the island, which is absolute nonsense.

J.J. Abrams originally envisioned Jack being killed off during the initial crash and Kate becoming the lead character and savior of those on the island.  Fuck, I'm glad that didn't happen.  The show would have been like Lilith Fair meets Sex and the City meets a tropical polar bear eating the fuck out of a bunch of plane crash survivors.

Wait, what am I saying?  That would be an awesome show.  J.J., WE HAVE TO GO BACK!

2. Juliet Burke

Played By: Elizabeth Mitchell

Juliet was the fertility doctor brought in by the Others who turned out to be romantically interested in Jack, only to end up with Sawyer (sound familiar?).  When my mind was completely blown in the Season 3 opener after the reveal of the Others' neighborhood on the island, I thought Juliet, Ben and the rest of the gang would provide for some really TV.  I was right about Ben.

Honestly, I could tolerate Juliet much more if she would stop doing that closed-mouth, raised-eyebrow smirk that she does.  Even when she's trying to be sincere it comes off as smarmy and patronizing.  If she would elicit emotion like every other human on the show she might not have made it into this list, and she at least would have fallen behind Kate.

Juliet was also a home-wrecker, hooking up with Goodwin in secret in the time prior to the crash of Oceanic 815.  Ben Linus, who is probably one of the best five characters from Lost, sends Goodwin to his death and basically tells Juliet he did it because he has a crush on her.  Completely awesome.

But Juliet's most unforgivable offense was the neutering of Sawyer.  OK, she didn't physically remove his testicles, but she certainly sapped all the machismo and scoundrel out of him once they started a relationship.  Their relationship was portrayed about as smoothly as Lemmy singing a Queen song.  Sawyer was never the same quick-tongued outlaw that made him so watchable (and hated, by some) int he early seasons.

1. Ana Lucia Cortez

Played By: Michelle Rodriguez

Can you believe Michelle Rodriguez played a tough-girl character?  My selection of her for the worst character in Lost is admittedly unfair, because I can't stand Rodriguez in anything, not just Lost.  I avoid movies that otherwise look perfectly watchable just because of her name being attached.

As for her on-island (and pre-crash) offense, Ana Lucia manages to - with the help of Mr. Eko and his aforementioned scripture stick - capture Jin, Michael and Sawyer.  From there, she plays the role of a bully, dripping with masculinity.  Her voice and delivery is awful, as it's almost like she is purposely trying to make the audience despise her.  Whether that is Rodriguez's fault, or the direction, I don't know, but it's truly maddening.

In her life before the crash, Ana Lucia was a LAPD officer who killed a suspect who had shot her and killed her unborn child months prior.  During the entire flashback she is acting as badass as she can muster, and it is just a really tired routine.

Her most villainous moment came when she shot and killed Shannon, who was a complete bitch, yet her death at the hands of Ana Lucia somehow made the audience hate Ana Lucia even more.  When the most entitled, stuck-up character on a show gets murdered and the fans hate the shooter even worse because of it, you know you're dealing with a shitty character.

Once Michael killed her in the hatch (which almost made the simultaneous slaying of Libby worthwhile collateral damage) audiences rejoiced.  Although one by-product of that was the show making Kate assume some of the tough-girl schtick Ana Lucia had previously bolstered.  I don't want to think about Ana Lucia anymore because I'm starting to get angry.


  1. I cannot withstand Juliet's smile.
    Instead I like Ana Lucia, more than Kate!
    I hate that silly and unuseful character called Shannon! :@

  2. You do realize they wanted Eko on the show longer but Adewale Akinnouye-Agbaje chose to leave because he didn't enjoy living in Hawaii. A simple search of his Wikipedia page would revealed that.

    And Michael is without a doubt the worst character on that show. I'm the father of two boys I have been around them every day from the day of their birth. I would have NEVER behaved like Michael and he barely knew his son. And his constant whining, pissing, bitching and moaning. Good god. Not to mention be killed two people in cold blood and then fucked over people who helped him. Guy was a scumbag.

    1. Did you not read the paragraphs on Eko? I think he covered that in his assessment ....

      (from above) "Maybe if Akinnuoye-Agbaje would have wanted to remain on the show (he asked to be written out during Season 3)"

      Michael sucked for plenty of reasons. He had the hots for Sun who was married, and he shot Libby (and Anna Lucia who we all hate anyway) amongst everything else .... but did you watch the shows flashbacks about Walt and his terrible mother?? Michael wanted nothing more than to be a father to his son - it was his cunt wife who (somehow) got away with pushing Michael out of Walt's life because it didn't suit HER needs. Not only does she move to Europe and then Australia with Michael's son and another guy, but she somehow forces Michael to, against his will, give up rights to Walt all together - again, just because she wants it this way. Considering my ex-wife tried the same shit with me and my sons, and succeeded in her own sick ways, I take real issue with this. My ex tried to get me to sign over rights to our 3 sons (aged 6 to 3) to her new husband because .... ??? basically because she didn't like me and wanted a 'do-over' with her new husband and my kids. Of course I told her to fuck off - but she still managed to pull very similar shit as Michael's wife on Lost, as she, her new husband, and my sons moved 800 miles away a couple years later and I got to see my own kids for 2 months in the summer and at Christmas. Today they are in their 20's and, obviously, we are not very close since she got her way and did her best to cut me out of my own kids lives for no reason. That is exactly what this obnoxious, self centered cunt on Lost did to Michael as well.

  3. You guys are all crazy except for Nestor. Kate is by far the worst person on the entire show. Michael is a very very close second. I actually stopped watching the show for a little while because I couldn't stand Michael's whining crybaby attitude and always running around risking everyone's lives' for his son. I get it, you want to find your son, who might not even be in any danger but you kill people because of it. When he came back into the show in season four I stopped watching it for a while again. Third worst person on the show is Jack. What a narcissistic piece of crap this guy is. Everything about him makes me hope he gets acid poured on his until he disappears. My favorite characters are Juliet, Sawyer, and Sayid.

    1. I agree about Kate. The writers favored the male characters more than the female ones. Evangeline Lilly did the best w/ what she was given which wasn't much. The love triangle was only used as a ratings ploy and a filler from the writers not answering any questions. Not every show has to have a will they won't they couple or a love triangle. There was no reason they needed to change Kate's storyline after they decideded to not have Jack die. He could have still lived and Kate could have still had a husband on the other side of the island. Just think of what could have happened if that happened. Flashbacks of marriage problems, etc. The character could have been a strong, well-developed character like the female version of Locke, Ben, or Desmond. Instead, the character was written around Lilly's looks and not her acting and Evangeline Lilly is a really good actress.

  4. Top five worst characters on the show:
    1. Michael

    That pretty much sums it up.

  5. Claire does my head in...I was actually begging for fire to rain down on her stupid head in season 2 E15 and I am a pacifist...

    1. I don't understand the hate for Claire. She wasn't the best developed character on the show, but she certainly didn't seem too annoying ..... at least until 'feral Claire' showed up in season 5/6 anyway. That girl needed a shower and a comb - badly! But aside from her craziness, and her attraction to a drug addicted hobbit, she didn't seem so bad.

      I would definitely put Kate, Juliet, Anna-Lucia, Shannon, Charlotte, Ilana, Zoe, Parachute girl (name??), Eloise, and just about any other terribly written female Lost character, aside from Sun, in front of CLaire for worst character. Sun and Claire, both rather limited in their screen time, were the only two female characters on the show that seemed halfway normal/decent/written well enough.

  6. For me it comes down to every female character on the show ... they were all pretty awful. I hate Michael as well, but mostly because he killed Libby and betrayed his own group. He had a group of willing friends who would help him, including an Iraqi soldier/torturer with plenty of military skills, Locke, who was a master of tracking and killing, and Jack and Sawyer, who were plenty capable of an assault. Considering Michael thought the Others were hillbillies living out of tents at the time anyway, you would think he would have come back to the beach, explained what happened, and gotten help to attack these people.

    Maybe gay men can't write for women? Whatever the reason, the women of Lost were all written pretty god awful. Kate was incompetent, never listened, and used her sexuality to play Jack and Sawyer for the better part of 3+ seasons of the show. And hef selfishness when Jack wanted to use the Jughead to destroy the station and stop their plane from ever crashing was cringeworthy at it's best! Her ONLY reason for not wanting him to do this and save hundreds of lives (and eliminate all their suffering) was that a.) she'd land in LA in custody of the Marshall and face justice for killing her dad and b.) she'd never meet and manipulate the fuck out of Jack and Sawyer. She tries to make Jack out to be some monster for even considering detonating the bomb and preventing the plane from crashing .... and it made her look sooo fucking bad. This, combined with her season 3 antics when Jack was trying to save her and Sawyer made her come across as so petty and stupid. During that instance, Jack has Ben at his mercy and tells her to get Sawyer (who is about to be killed at that moment) and leave immediately, leaving himself behind. She screams and cries "no" and has a tantrum because Jack isn't going with them (after she just slept with Sawyer) and made everyone watching throw shit at their TV screen in disgust over her self centered narcissist.

  7. Penny best girl on lost.

    John locke sadly the worst character but Terry o 'quinn one of the best actor.

    After 4 season of thinking John locke is important for the island it turned out he was the sacrifice the island demanded and he was killed off and replaced by smokey.

  8. In this fashion my pal Wesley Virgin's tale begins with this shocking and controversial video.

    Wesley was in the army-and shortly after leaving-he found hidden, "SELF MIND CONTROL" secrets that the government and others used to get anything they want.

    These are the EXACT same tactics lots of celebrities (especially those who "became famous out of nowhere") and elite business people used to become wealthy and successful.

    You've heard that you only use 10% of your brain.

    That's really because most of your brainpower is UNCONSCIOUS.

    Perhaps this expression has even occurred INSIDE OF YOUR own brain... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's brain about 7 years back, while driving an unregistered, beat-up garbage bucket of a vehicle with a suspended license and $3.20 on his bank card.

    "I'm very frustrated with going through life paycheck to paycheck! When will I finally make it?"

    You took part in those types of conversations, ain't it right?

    Your success story is going to be written. You just have to take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.


  9. Kate, Michael and Jack for worst. Sayid, Sawyer and Hugo for best.

  10. This only applies to seasons 1-3 (which I have on blu-ray). Trying to make myself forget anything that happened after that.

    Worst List
    1. Ana L.
    2. Sun
    3. Claire
    4. Rose/Bernard
    5. Desmond

    Best List
    1. Hugo
    2. Locke
    3. Sayid
    4. Sawyer
    5. Ben

  11. I mostly agree with the OP list. Although I think Mr Eko was a great character, and I was very disappointed when he was killed off, and so easily by the smoke monster, also why was his name not on the wall like the other "untouchables." Makes no sense.

    Anyway my most hated.

    5. Kate Austen
    4. Jack Sheppard
    3. Ana Lucia Cortez
    2. Michael Dawson
    1. Juliet Burke


    5. Sawyer
    4. Mr. Eko
    3. Ben Linus
    2. Sayid Jarrah
    1. John Locke

    Irrelevant/boring characters that added almost nothing to the show.

    5. Claire
    4. Hurley (so overrated by most fans)
    3. Rose/Bernard
    2. Sun Kwon
    1. Shannon

    1. Forgot about Desmond Hume somehow. Belongs in top 5. One of the most entertaining both in relevance and likability. Id put him in Mr. Eko's spot. Flip Eko to my 6th favorite character.
